Looking for Creator Feedback
Are you a writer, game designer, or artist? We want your feedback!

During KantCon 2019 we will have a panel for writers & game designers on how to work with artists effectively. In order to make sure this is a productive discussion, we'd like to make sure we cover topics that you’re interested in and could really benefit from. Writers: What questions have you always wanted to ask artists? Do you have any stories - good or bad - about working with artists? Artists: What can writers do to make your job easier when they commission you? Do you have any stories - good or bad - about working with writers? You can reach out to us in the comments, or by e-mailing sara@projectshiro.com And if you’ve haven’t already, but sure to check out Sara from Project Shiro Studios at www.projectshiro.com! She has a great collection of webcomics, and has also created all of the KantCon art for a number of years! Also, don’t forget Event Sign-Up is happening now, and events are already filling up! Just make sure you purchase your badge first at https://www.kantcon.com/buy-a-badge and then you can sign-up at https://www.warhorn.net/events/kantcon-2019