Volunteer Sign-Up
There are ways to help out besides running events.
Free Badge: Receive a complimentary badge for the days you are scheduled to work. That's right, each day you volunteer (minimum of 4 hours) you get in free—do not purchase a badge for a day you are volunteering. It's not cheating to wait for email confirmation of your volunteer shifts before you buy your KantCon badge. I.e. if you may want sort your volunteer schedule first, then register for KantCon second.
Snacks: Enjoy some snacks during your shift.
Appreciation: KantCon could not happen without you.
Satisfaction: You are supporting a great event and growing the tabletop gaming hobby.
Party: An exclusive after party with food and games. Make up for the time you had to work during KantCon!
If you are interested in volunteering at KantCon, complete and submit this form. (Running an event does NOT require this form.)
Applications must be submitted no later than the end of June each year.
Completion of the application does not guarantee that you will be accepted for volunteer efforts.
If you are accepted for volunteer status, you will be notified by email no later than the end of June each year.
Volunteers should expect to have assignments for at least 4 hours of each day they volunteer.
A mobile-friendly verson of this form is available directly on Google.