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And That's A Wrap!

As the doors of the Overland Park Convention Center come to a close, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to every soul who brought their magic and charm to our convention this year! Whether you were a sponsor, volunteer, vendor, or attendee (total attendance was nearly 1000!) we want to say THANK YOU for making this year special!

While the memories are still fresh in your mind, we are asking if you could take a moment and send us feedback: Your responses will stay anonymous, and we value your opinion on what we got right this year and how we can work to improve the experience for next year!

Were you able to get awesome or memorable pictures while at the con? If so, we encourage you to please share those with us! You can respond to this post or send them to us via email at

If you’d like to take a peek behind the curtain and be a part of the magic that makes KantCon possible we are always looking to expand our community! Feel free to send us an email on how you’d like to get involved or you can contact us at

We again want to extend a big thank you to our sponsors and vendors–without them our convention would not exist! Explore the amazing services and products they offer here: and here:

Until we meet again, may your dice always roll critical successes, your campaigns be filled with wonder, and your friendships be as enduring as the greatest legends ever told! We look forward to the future and to next year’s KantCon on July 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2024!


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