KantCon Reminders
Hello Everyone! We just wanted to provide a few reminders since we’re a little over 3 months away from KantCon!

If you’re planning on running an event, Event Submission is open now. You can fill out a form on our website entailing what game you want to run, what experience you’re expecting from players, and any other special requirements you may need to run your game at KantCon. Afterwards, the event will be put on our Warhorn site and players will be able to sign-up for your game. If you have already registered for a badge, you can sign-up for events on Warhorn now!
Also, if you need a place to stay for the weekend, consider the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel at the Convention Center! We have secured KantCon block rates from July 29-31 at a rate of $159-$179/night. You can book your room through the link below. These rates will be available as long as you book before July 8th.