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Gamer's Haven Library at Planet Comicon

Tabletop gaming will be available in force at Planet Comicon. Not only will the Gamer’s Haven Game Library return to provide access to hundreds of tabletop board games and card games for Planet Comicon attendees, but scheduled events will be available courtesy of the Role-Player’s Guild of Kansas City and other volunteers. Interested in submitting a gaming event of your own? You can do so at Once scheduled events pass inspection, so to speak, Planet Comicon attendees can pre-register for spots at Note that there are additional website registration steps that are necessary before you can sign up for events. We’ll work as fast as we can to allow any and all Planet Comicon attendees to sign up for events. You’ll be able to sign up for events at Planet Comicon as well, just come by the game room and we’ll get you sorted out!

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