Paint and Take - Back by popular demand!
Have you wanted to try out Miniature painting in the past and been intimidated by it? Did you try it out and want to learn some tips and tricks? Are you an experienced painter who wants to exchange ideas? We can’t think of a better way than hands-on experience!
We are excited to announce that KantCon will host another Paint and Take event this year with even more table space! In 2014, the Paint and Take event run by Michelle Blastenbrei was very popular, so much so that there was barely an empty seat the entire convention. A schedule conflict caused Michelle to be unable to attend KantCon 2015 and we learned that she was greatly missed based on your feedback. So this year we will have not only one but two instructors running the event since Michelle is bringing Lyn Stahl to assist her!
The event is free and available to registered convention attendees of all ages and skill levels. It is an open paint forum with tips and instructions for first time or moderate painters, and consultation for the more experienced painter. Figures, brushes & paints are provided and you can even take your new champion home at the end of the session! Younger participants may require adult supervision in order to observe proper painting etiquette.
Space priority will be given to those who pre-register, but walkups are welcome! So, what are you waiting for? Sign-up on warhorn ( or stop by during the convention as your schedule allows. Remember, pre-registration requires purchasing a badge in advance, so get yours today!!register/c31p
The Paint and Take is hosted by Check out Michelle’s site to see some of her awesome award-winning work!
ALSO, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that a previous featured BIG, Life Sized Space Alert, has been cancelled. The change has been posted on and Warhorn as well. Thank you for your understanding!