Help Out KantCon and Extra Life!
Only TWO DAYS left for Event Submission! Make sure you’ve submitted all the events you want to run at KantCon! Player registration will remain open until July 8th. This also means there are only two days left to get your pre-registration badge! Buy now, before the price goes up at the door.
PLEASE consider becoming a volunteer at KantCon this year! We are in desperate need of people to help us manage so much gaming fun! Volunteers are crucial to keeping the convention running. They are essential in handing out badges, assisting people to sign-up for events, and loaning out games from our Board Game Library. If you put in a four-hour shift, your entry to the convention will be free for the day. If you have some free time in your schedule, especially in the afternoon or evening, please consider volunteering. You can let us know you’re interested and your availability here:

Also, we are pleased to announce we will be holding an auction for Extra Life again this year! If you’re unfamiliar, Extra Life is a great organization that raises money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by gaming! (How cool is that?) The auction will take place at the convention on both Friday and Saturday, beginning at 5pm and closing at 7pm! We’ll announce when they begin, so be sure to stop by our auction tables and bid on some great gaming goodies! You can check out Extra Life here: