Buy-In to Special Games at KantCon!
Have you looked at all the events on Warhorn yet? There are board games, social games, trivia games, RPGs, panels, and more! Plus we’re adding new ones as they come in, so make sure you take a look and grab a spot in your favorites before they fill up! While you’re scrolling, you might notice some “Buy-In-Games,” these are special events run by KantCon coordinators and board members that include a little something extra, like a GIANT Jenga set, or some cool prizes. We have both board game and RPG Buy-In-Games, so check them out when you have a second. To sign up, buy them at the link below and we’ll add you to the list on Warhorn. Event submission will run until June 22nd, and Event Sign-Up will run until July 6th!
As you’re filling in your schedule, consider helping us by volunteering in your free time! We really rely on volunteers to help us run the convention. You can help us with everything from handing out badges to helping people register for events. In return for your efforts, you’ll get a free badge to the convention, a few other rewards, and pride in knowing that you’ve contributed to an awesome gaming community in Kansas City.