KantCon Junior Returns!
KantCon Junior will be making its grand return this year!
Geared towards the newest gamers in your adventuring party, all of the games in KantCon Junior are intended to be shared between adult and youth attendees. The event will run throughout the weekend, but with a focus on Sunday, July 7th.

Currently, we have 5 RPGs and 3 board game events run by KantCon Junior GMs. There will also be a curated list of board games at the Board Game Library if you'd rather play a game with just your Junior gamers. There will also be game-related activities like a custom puzzle, character sheets, a fidget giveaway, and a Junior-specific paint and take. TTRPGHQ will also be supporting our event with coloring pages and providing art supplies.
Want to become even more involved? If you've got a favorite RPG or board game for the under-16 gamers in your life, submit it as an event and bring more folks aboard. Come on down and share your love of gaming with the whole family!
Submit events here: https://www.kantcon.com/event-submission
Sign-Up for KantCon Junior (Look for the meeple KantCon Junior icon!): https://warhorn.net/events/kantcon-2024/schedule/agenda