Board Game Garage Sale

The KantCon Board Game Garage Sale allows any KantCon attendee to buy or sell used board games and related items at the convention.
Browse the garage sale area.
Take your items to the cashier.
Pay with cash or via PayPal. Items are priced as marked in whole dollar amounts.
Note: All items are sold in as-is condition. It is the buyer's responsibility to check out the game contents prior to selling. KantCon accepts no responsibility for any missing pieces, damage, or other item deficiencies. All sales are final and cannot be refunded.
Fill out the garage sale form online by Wednesday 3 July 2024 or fill out a paper copy of the form on-site.
Note: you must have a current year KantCon badge to sell items.
Each attendee is limited to 200 items/lots.
Board games and related accessories are accepted. While board game related accessories are accepted, this is not an avenue for 3D-printed or homemade items to be sold unless combined with a board game.
Note: KantCon reserves the right to refuse items that do not meet the above criteria or in any way violate KantCon policies.
Items may be grouped as a "lot" with a single price, such as a game with expansions, promos, extra dice, game inserts, etc.Drop off your items at the Garage Sale area.
Create a price tag for each item/lot being sold that includes the price (in whole dollar amounts), your badge number, and the item number.
If you filled out the form online, price tags will be printed and ready to tape to your games.If there are any notes about the game (missing pieces or extra items such as promos, expansions, game insert, sleeves, etc.), please add a sticky note with those details to the game.
Note: while we will have items in the Garage Sale area monitored during convention hours by our staff, KantCon cannot guarantee the safety of any items and will not be responsible for reimbursing or replacing any missing or damaged items. Participation in this sale constitutes your acceptance of this risk and waives KantCon of liability.
15% Commission
KantCon will keep a 15% commission amount from all sales to support the convention.
Example: If you sold $35 in items, KantCon will collect $5.25 in commission and you will receive $29.75, paid by cash (when available) or PayPal.
Checking Out
Sellers may pick up any unsold items from the sale and be paid out for any sold items by cash (when available) or PayPal. Items must be picked up by 3 PM on Sunday. Any items left beyond that point will become the property of KantCon if we cannot reasonably arrange to have the owner pick up items at KantCon.
Credit for the board game garage sale concept goes to the event staff of Midwest GameFest.
Friday at 9 AM to Sunday at 3 PM.
Facilitator: volunteers.