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Latest Progress Report

Hello Gamers! We here at KantCon hope that you had a fantastic Fourth of July blowing up the sky. We are now less than a full month away from the convention, so we have a few more highlights to draw your attention.


Pre-registration end on July 7th for KantCon. Why would you want to pre-register? You have access to our SWAG ordering system where you can pick up pieces of memorabilia which you can use to remember this epic event as we approach our sixth year of gaming! You can also get a discount on the badges which go up at the door. Also the sooner you sign up, the longer you have access to our Warhorn calendar so that you can get into events before they fill up. Sign up now in the last few days to get your first shot.

Event Registration

Speaking of event registration, the deadline to join events is also coming up. Event registration is ending on July 15th, after then you will just have to sign up at the door and hope that the games you were looking for are not full. If you happen to miss it, fear not you can always show up at our friendly event table and see what events are going on. If you have your badge, click here to sign up!

Event Submission

Also ending after July 15th is Event Submission. Perhaps this year instead of just playing this year, you want to lead an event. Go to our website and hunt down the Event Submission tab to sign up your game.

An added bonus? Sign your event up by July 8th and get it into the KantCon Event Catalog! Art designed by our very own Sara Rude!

Event Highlight: Mega Game

A first for KantCon, we have a Mega-Game looking to carve out a chunk of history. What is a Mega-Game? A massive event with multiple teams competing for dominance.

The game being hosted with us is Watch the Skies! Join the Aliens, Countries, or Reporters as Earth is invaded. Sign up to be a major power in determining the fate of our world!


Not looking for the heavy weight of responsibility in changing the course of human history but still want premium content from some of the most talented Gamers in the Kansas City area? Sign up for a Buy In Game! Our BIGs are run by our talented GMs who want to give you a story to talk about for years to come.

  • Death Star Trench Run: Huge X-Wing game with actual trench

  • Evil Reborn: New Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl with the author

  • The Lost Expedition: New Call of Cthulhu adventure with the author

  • Life-Sized Spaced Alert: Walk around on the board to play

  • The Millers at Camp Parnell: Dread with giant Jenga

  • Uncle Albert presents KING OF THE HILL!: Huge car wars

Vendor Highlight

Forget dice at home? Want to pick up that nova hot game that is lighting the internet on fire? Fear not, we have the answer for that! KantCon will be hosting several exhibitors that would like to showcase their wares and talents for your perusal. Some new, some veterans, each of these exhibitors are looking to bring you the best quality products that are available to the gaming public.


KantCon would not be possible without assistance from our patrons. We would like to issue a warm welcome to our sponsors who are making this dream a reality. Here is the three we would like to Highlight this week.

Call for Volunteers

KantCon is still looking for volunteers to help cover tables, assist attendees, and make a difference at our convention. Also available to volunteers are free badges for the days that they work. Find out more about how you can volunteer here.

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