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Partial refunds are possible until June 14th 2024.  After that, no refunds will be given.

We encourage you to sell (or trade or gift) your badge to someone who needs a badge.  As long as no more than one person is using a badge for any given day, your badge is transferable.  You may not transfer a badge you got for free, e.g. for volunteering; however, you may transfer a badge you paid for but don't need anymore because you're getting a free badge.

If you can not find a home for your badge, and it is before June 14 2024, then we can refund 90% of the cost of your badge.

No Retroactive Discounts

If you buy a badge, and later find out you were eligible for a discount, there is no way to retroactively apply that discount.  Take solace in the fact that by not taking advantage of your discount, you are supporting KantCon to a greater degree.

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