Gamer's Haven Library at the Library
Come and play some games with us, free! We're spreading the word about gaming and we need YOU! WHEN: Saturday, May 23rd from 12pm to 5pm...
Events are live!
Event Submission has been open since May 1st and now Event Registration has begun. Both submission and registration will end on July...

Early Bird Registration
Good news, KantCon, three of the most amazing days in tabletop, board, and card gaming, is coming back in July! Even better, if you were...

Gamer's Haven Library at Planet Comicon
Tabletop gaming will be available in force at Planet Comicon. Not only will the Gamer’s Haven Game Library return to provide access to...
Call for Volunteers and Planners
Greetings, everyone, it's that time again to start thinking about KantCon 2015. We are currently taking candidates for planning positions...
New Website
We're happy to bring you the new and improved KantCon website! We're in the process of planning for next year's KantCon and will let you...