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Volunteer at KantCon!

Looking for a way to get more involved in your local community while also feeding your tabletop gaming addiction? Consider volunteering at KantCon 2023!

KantCon is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and while our Board of Directors and Coordinators do a great job keeping things running behind the scenes between conventions, we do need onsite help. There’s simply too many things to do, and not enough of us! (Plus we like to sneak away for a game or two if we can get away with it.) Our core volunteer positions consist of helping at our registration desk, event sign-up table, prize drawings, and game library. If any of these sound like something you are willing and able to help out with, please reach out to us here:

In return, you’ll get a free badge to the convention for the day you volunteer, and we have a volunteer party after KantCon with board games and sometimes RPGs, just to help everyone make-up for lost gaming time! Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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